Monday, September 21, 2009

Kombucha... Kom-whatcha??-Kombucha

Don't ask.
You know me. I'm always into something going against the flow. But now, even Jacob says I've gone off the deep end! :)
We have these awesome friends on our street who are very similar to us and the other day they saw me working in the garden and brought a drink down for me to try... and of course i will try most anything labeled as natural or healthy, probiotic, blah blah blah. Basically anything not FDA approved I will eat! :) Give it to me in it's most natural form!
So we loved it. And then a week later he/Mark said he had a scoby ready for us.
A WHAT?? That's right, a Scoby. Too much detail and seriously, i still don't fully know what it is so you can wikipedia it if you care :)
So I brought my Scoby home and made a home for it under my kitchen shelves for it to ferment ( in a brew of black tea and sugar) I've left it for 5 days and it is crazy incredible! Or freaky. I poured the liquid into 2 glass bottles and made another brew to ferment for next week and put the scoby back ontop- or you could call it a sea anemone like jacob :) Also in the glass bottles i put just a smidge of freshly juiced muscadine grapes so that when it ferments for 2 more days it will have a fruit flavor.
Wednesday should be full of Surprises!
We're brewing beer! Scary. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I love kombucha too and have been looking for a starter (didn't know it was called a scoby) for a while. When yours is ready to split, let me know!! I'll need directions too! I've only had the kind that you get at EarthFare. The idea with the muscadines is great too!

    Look forward to reading and learning more!

