Saturday, September 5, 2009

So here goes my first blog ever! I am creating this because I have always been terrible and probably will always be terrible at journaling. I have quite a few journals and all have the first 20 pages filled with great dreams and aspirations, honest thoughts and trials, inspired quotes I'm stuck on for the moment, etc. The pages following are blank.... or if that journal is lucky, the leftover pages turn into my shopping lists, or my daughter's coloring canvas!
But I want to keep track of our sweet life. So we'll see how this goes. I'd love my kids to be able to come back to something and see what all we did or what my thoughts were in each instance. So this site is for us as much as it is for you. I hope you are inspired to live each moment being mindful of the life God has given you. If you know me, you know I like to question everything. I like to ask... "Though this is the mainstream way culture may be going, is it the only good way? Does it fit our family's focus? Is there a better way?" There is a quote I think is wise that says "If you want to change something, observe it." -Heinemann
And that is basically what I am passionate about. I enjoy learning more, challenging myself so that in the end, I would have not just survived but thrived! I want to give valuable truths to my children.
Enjoy a window into our lives!

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