Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lando's birthday

So I'm backtracking a bit to talk about my sweet man. No, no, not big daddy (though he's sweet too ;)) my other sweet man, Landon. He turned one on August 10th. I was so thrilled to be at his birthday party and not in the capacity I was in one year ago after taking castor oil to birth that big boy out! Landon is so fun... well he's actually pretty boring, i just use the word fun for everything :)
He is crazy stoic. It's near impossible to get a rise out of the boy. But he's my loveyman. He loves to cuddle. At the same point, He loves to walk. His favorite thing to do is walk back and forth repeated amounts of times over our bright yellow speed bump in front of our house! He could do this for hours! Who needs toys when you have speedbumps.
Landon is very observant. He will notice the slightest incline of a floor/doorway/pathway and go straight for it. he loves going up and down steps... even if it's only one or two steps- which makes for a dizzy mommy due to the fact that he still refuses to let go of my hands! :) But we're making progress.
Landon loves balls, doggies and kitties, blueberries, going outside, his pushcart that a fabulous friend is letting me borrow, and last but not least he loves bread! :) Maybe he'll be a marathoner cause he sure is a good carb-loader!
We are so thankful for our little man in our family. Lucy girl loves helping us care for Landonator. She's very good at telling mommy when he has put something in his mouth that he's not supposed to like rocks and acorns and even attempts the finger sweep to assist mommy with her cpr skills. She likes to push him in the swing and stroller and catch him from the slide.

We enjoy our days together with Landon and we are so grateful to God for our first year with him!

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